2X ApplicationServer Wins Readers‘ Choice Award For Application Servers

The 2X ApplicationServer for Remote Desktop Services was selected the winner in the Application Servers category of the VirtualizationAdmin.com Readers‘ Choice Awards. Quest Desktop Virtualization and Citrix XenApp were runner-up and second runner-up respectively.

With this also the readers of VirtualizationAdmin.com stated clearly that simplicity is one of the most important criteria when more than one solution is matching the catalog of requirements.

If you need to publish applications from your Terminal Servers / from your Remote Desktop Services Hosts then you should give the 2X ApplicationServer a shot. I personally do not know any other product that is doing this that smooth and simple. If you call yourself a Server Based Computing specialist you should be able to download, install, do the basic configuration and run your first tests within a max. of 30 minutes.

July 26th, 2012 VirtualizationAdmin.com:

Winner in the Application Servers Category of Readers‘ Choice Awards: 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services

2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services was selected the winner in the Application Servers category of the VirtualizationAdmin.com Readers‘ Choice Awards. Quest Desktop Virtualization and Citrix XenApp were runner-up and second runner-up respectively.



1st 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services 23%
2nd Quest Desktop Virtualization* 19%
3rd Citrix XenApp 15%
4th Systancia AppliDis Fusion 4 12%
4th PowerTerm WebConnect Enterprise 12%
5th HOBLink JWT 5%
5th Jetro CockpIT 5%
6th Propalms TSE 0%
6th Thinworx 0%
Others 9%

*formerly known as Quest vWorkspace (Enterprise Edition)

“Our Readers’ Choice Awards give visitors to our site the opportunity to vote for the products they view as the very best in their respective category,” said Sean Buttigieg, VirtualizationAdmin.com manager. „VirtualizationAdmin.com users are specialists in their field who encounter various solutions for virtualization at the workplace. The award serves as a mark of excellence, providing the ultimate recognition from peers within the industry.“

VirtualizationAdmin.com conducts bi-monthly polls to discover which product is preferred by administrators in a particular category of third party solutions for virtualization environments. The awards draw a huge response per category and are based entirely on the visitors‘ votes. VirtualizationAdmin.com users can submit their votes for the current Readers‘ Award poll in the site’s left-hand bar.

If you’d like to know who the past Readers‘ Choice winners were, please take a look at our Readers‘ Choice Awards Yearly Roundup.